She slowly slid down her panties and laid back on the bed. Finally. This was her time. She had been fantasizing about using her tease n please her all day. She turned it on and tried to decide if she should play with the vibration or suction first. Vibration. Yes, she nodded and pressed on the vibration button to start. She stroked herself from her sensitive clitoris through her swelling lips and down to her moist vagina with the trembling tip of her tease n please her. She pressed the vibration button again to intensify the stimulation. Ahhhhhh, she closed her eyes as she felt herself getting wetter and wetter in response to the arousing vibration. She pressed again and again to enjoy all 12 vibration patterns between her lips, and then slowly slid the tip into her yearning vagina.

She opened her heavy lidded eyes that reflected the euphoria she was enjoying and cupped her clitoris with the suction cup end of her tease n please her. She pressed the suction button and her clit was surrounded with the feeling of delicious oral sex as the tease n please her pulled, tugged, and milked at her swelling bud. She kept pressing the suction button until she reached her favorite pattern of suction. Mmmmmm, she could not help herself she moaned as the tease n please her sucked and vibrated between her legs. The combination of stimulation was working its magic. She could not control herself as she caressed the inside of her thighs with her free hand as her other hand was grinding her tease n please her against her.

She could feel her clitoris becoming erect with the intensity of pleasure. She could feel the pulse of her orgasm building deep inside her. She wanted to release herself and be swept away within the incredible exhilarating pleasure she was feeling. She pressed the vibration button once more and that was all it took. She felt her body stiffen as a powerful orgasm hungrily roared through her body. The dual pleasures of suction and vibration had brought her to the pinnacle of fulfillment. She felt deliriously happy, incredibly relaxed and very, very sexually complete. It is all about Her.

Dimensions item length 6.5 inches, width 1.75 inches, depth 2 inches. Package depth 8 inhes, width 3 inches, height 2 inches.






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